Are you wondering about living in a resort in Portugal? Well, we are living in one and actually we did live in one during the worst period of the pandemic, and what I can say is that this experience was a confirmation that we did the right thing choosing a resort to move to Portugal.
Not everybody is so keen on the life in a resort.
Many say that living in a resort is a soulless experience that has nothing to do with the real Portugal. But believe me, during this pandemic, Portugal is very real, even here in the resort.
If I needed more confirmations that I made the right choice regarding our life style and place to live here in Portugal, well… this new lockdown provide the perfect opportunity. I am convinced: if the end of the world is coming I want to be here, in Portugal, in this resort.
As I am writing this article I realize that I cannot put into words the reasons why we feel we have everything we need here. It’s maybe because we need things that are so particular or better say, we don’t need the things “normal people” need. And here I refer in particular at the company of other human beings. We have each other and sometimes even that is too much.
But I guess I have enough experience now with life in a resort that I can share some definitive advantages of living in a resort, especially in times like these. So here it is, in a random order:
We have our own supermarket here in the resort. It’s a Pingo Doce supermarket which is very fortunate because we have also the prices of Pingo Doce. We visited a resort once (one near Lagos) and they too had a supermarket but was a local one, and a small bottle of water was like 3 euros. Besides, they only sold chips and no real food.
But because it’s located right at the entrance in the resort, only the people from the resort shop here. Sometimes there are only 3 or 4 people in the whole supermarket and it’s a fairly large one. Also they respect the chain rules, so we have baked fresh bread every day and all sorts of promotions.
And very few people! Because are fewer people, the store is more clean, the rules are followed more strictly because it’s easier with such fewer numbers and well… everything is so peaceful!
Also back in our country we never went to supermarkets and we had all delivered because the risk of infection is just too big. Here in Portugal we go every day at the supermarket and it’s both a chance to socialize (just seeing other people helps), but in the same time, very safe because there are few people in the supermarkets here near the resort.
Being able to go to the store and actually pick the food and not just order from the online site where not all the products are listed, it’s just gives us more variety in our diet and an overall sense of normality.

2. You live in a bubble – 5 star safe bubble!
Everywhere you look you have the impression you live in a glossy magazine. That’s because you do live there! The environment is perfectly manicured and designed to look it’s best.
After a while you forget that you are in a 5 star resort and start to think the whole world looks like that. This is where Flavius has a little more life experience than me and tries to ground me: “Don’t forget that we are privileged” – he says. “This is not the real world, don’t forget to be grateful each day!”
Also being so few people here you are also very safe! You are safe because the number of people with whom you have contact is very small but also you are safe because your mental health is somehow protected. You look at this amazing surroundings and you fell normal, you forget about the exterior world.
Well, you have to make an conscious effort too: don’t turn up the TV on the news or don’t read anything on Facebook. You are allowed on Facebook only to look at cute animals. And to read my articles!

3. The environment screams… sport!
These resorts are tailored around the idea of living outdoors, in nature and living the most healthy life possible. This of course means a lot of sport in every shape or form.
It’s impossible here not to be sporty. You literally feel compelled to pick up the habit and you feel guilty each morning when you get up at 9 am and you already see people running past your window, or cycling.
Also the landscape is hilly so everywhere you walk is up and down, up and down and you move more than back home! Because you move more, you eat more and you soon discover that you simply cannot continue eating unhealthy food because you need nutrients to support your physical effort. So you start drinking smoothies and eating eggs for breakfast and cutting from your diet everything that comes in a box.

4. More freedom during the lockdown
Back in our apartment in Bucharest we didn’t get out much because getting outside in a major capital city is a hazard in this times. We are fanatics in protecting ourselves but there are just too many people and you cannot avoid them all!
Here we can go for miles if we want without encounter more than 2 or 3 people. And all that respecting the rules because we don’t have to go far, we can do all the walks inside the resort and see the ocean daily without actually going on the beach because of the spectacular views over the cliffs.
Have you ever considered living in a resort in Portugal?
We also have this video on this subject on our YouTube channel and I recommend you to start with this one and go from there:
Read also this! – Vale do Lobo Luxury Resort in Portugal