My Breakfast in Algarve Portugal – Eggs & Avocado


I’ve recently moved to the sunny coast of Algarve, and I had a hard time adjusting my diet to the new surroundings.

Live like a local, they say! But the transition to another country, entirely other life and other food, is hard, no matter how amazing is the place you are living in. And Algarve is a pretty amazing place! Don’t feel guilty if you don’t fit in just yet but watch your diet, because stress eating is a real thing.

Eggs and avocado. Healthy and easy to make, no fuss. My favorite recipe is one I developed myself, based purely on the instinct of what goes with what. OK, and maybe to much Master Chef Australia watching!

When in doubt, eat an avocado!

MY ULTIMATE breakfast in Algarve Portugal – EGGS & AVOCADO TOAST 

You can find these products at your local supermarket. I use Pingo Doce because is the closest to me, and also has a range of organic and bio products to choose from.

The avocado here in Portugal is amazing and cheap!

The bread – they have every type of bread you can imagine. I like to go for the freshly baked one, especially when I find bread with olives.

Also the olive oil is to die for. I would recommend not to buy the cheapest one, go for a bottle starting at 8-9 euro and you will be amazed. Read the information on the bottle, as they really explain how the olive oil was produced and where. And you also have the possibility to visit that places and sample for yourself the olive oil from the source.



2 organic free-range eggs

2 slices of bread

1 half of an avocado

1 slice of lemon

A pinch of salt, pepper, and red chili flakes

Olive oil

Toast the bread. If you just moved here, and like me, and you don’t yet have a toaster, use a pan or a grill and toast the bread that way. Or just put the bread into a fork and keep the fork over the gas stove, if you have gas. You have to be inventive when you are moving into an empty house.

While the bread it’s toasting, fry two eggs using olive oil on medium/low heat. Cover with lid.

While toast is finishing, cut a slice of lemon and a quarter of avocado and place on plate.

Using a fork, mash the avocado onto the toast and squeeze the lemon wedge on top. Alongside (or on top) place the eggs.

Sprinkle eggs and toast with chili flakes, salt, and pepper to your liking. A dash of olive oil on the toast is also delicious.

And of course put on your to buy list for this week: buy the most amazing toaster ever for your new home. Because you deserve it!


Click the photo to buy one!

E voila! Breakfast is served on the terrace.



PS: I have this toaster back home and I really like it! It gives a vintage feeling to the kitchen!

I hope you liked the recipe but more than that I hope my idea of a Breakfast in Algarve Portugal with Eggs and Avocado to be useful to you, because in the beginning I really struggled the first days arriving here.

Read more about food in Portugal!Cafe Calcinha Loule

Curious to see our apartment in Algarve? Here is a house tour!

Also while you are there please consider subscribing you our YouTube channel!