I’ve been in love with English newspapers and magazines since forever. So it’s no wonder that one of the first thing I did was to discover the top magazines and newspapers to read in Algarve Portugal in English.
where it all started
Not being an English native speaker, I was mesmerized every time I could get my hands on a foreign magazine or newspapers.
First time I was in London (back in 2011), I was blown away by the fact that you could find free English newspapers in the Metro. I woke up in the morning and the first thing after the proverbial donut and coffee, I was taking a ride in the subway just to get a free newspaper. For a bit of a context, in my country, then and now, the foreign press is very expensive.
So first time I stayed in Vale do Lobo Luxury Resort, in Algave Portugal, researching the feel of the place and making up my mind if we want to invest in an apartment there, I got access to the amenities of the resort, and also to the Lounge Area, where I found… English newspapers.
But they weren’t just newspapers in English, they were local edited and printed newspapers (in Algarve Portugal), with news and stories all over Algarve, but printed in English for the expat communities. So if you are in Algarve, you must look up these publications full of amazing information about Algarve and Portugal in general.
Of course they all have sites where you can access most of the information, but I am very old school, I like to smell and feel the paper in my hands, it adds up to the whole experience.
My favorite magazines in algarve portugal in english
Algarve Essential

Celebrating last year 20th year of publication, they have now an online presence too. But I discovered it first time in paper format and I will keep reading it like that.
This was the first one I discovered and this is why I think is my favorite!
Central Algarve

Central Algarve is the one dedicated the most to the Golden Triangle Area, meaning the area between Vale do Lobo, Quinta do Lago, Almancil and Vilamoura.
I love this one because is practically a magazine dedicated to “my backyard”. Hmmm… how presumptions of me!

Inside Magazine is more about where to go, what to eat and mainly guides about what to do in your free time. Also it’s more centered on the Western Algarve, meaning the Lagos area and beyond, until “the end of the world”.
The good news is that all are free and if you read them all in one sweep you are covered for the whole Algarve area: east, central and west.
What is your favorite?