For the first month in Portugal I came prepared. Mentality I mean. I came prepared for the not so good conditions, for the cold in the house and outside, for the mold smell in a house that was not lived in for several months. I came prepared to not have all the comfort from home. I was dead sure that this time I was not going to succumbed to depression due to the fact that not everything is perfect.
First 3 weeks in Portugal – week by week
And what do you think happened? I sort of got it right, but I also sort of failed.
The first week was so busy getting a couch and putting the house in order while dealing with the lockdown here in Portugal. No time for depression or dark thoughts.
The second week was about getting into a routine with my work, that now I do exclusively remote. So again, no time to be thinking about other things. Also getting busy with filming a lot of videos about Portugal because now I post 2 times a week. I have a plan to grow the channel by the end of the 2021 to at least 5000 subscribers. 10.000 subscribers would be like the dream!
By the time we got to the third week, I started to observe the cracks in the walls. The grim news about the surge of cases here in Portugal, the smell of mold from my bedroom that won’t go away no matter what I do, the fact that is always cold and the uncertainty of everything. Sometimes I miss home. And this is in itself a tragedy because home is not so good either. When I am home I want to be here and when I am here I want to be also here, but sometimes I miss the cozy life.
On the other hand I am very aware that you cannot draw a definitive conclusion after just the first 3 weeks in Portugal! So I have to hang in here a little more and have a little patience. Or a lot of money! I guess patience it is….
The moral of the story?
Don’t just assume your life will be the same here, just with a different view. It will take some adjustment.
There is also good news: this dilemma is resolved in time and with putting a routine in place and also some money that will buy you the same conform that you had in your old life. If only all problems in life had such easy solutions.
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