When in Portugal, try eat fresh and authentic Portuguese food and you will fall in love with the cuisine.
You should absolutely try fresh Sardinhas Assadas!
The best month to have Sardines is particularly June, July and August when they are big and juicy. And the best way to have Sardines, is straight off the street grills. This magical dish is called Sardinhas Assadas.
But if you aren’t feeling so bold, most traditional Portuguese restaurants will also have Sardinhas Assadas served with a side of boiled potatoes and vegetables, although you will lose a lot of the taste that way.
If you are in Lisbon during the month of June, you will get the chance to experience the Popular Saint celebrations. A main feature of the festivities is street sardines served on a slice of bread. The bread is the best bit as the flavorful juices of the grilled sardine soak into the bread.
Portuguese cuisine can be misunderstood very easily if you try it in a touristy area.
Just try a local “tasca” and you will see the difference.

I am reluctant to say that I don’t like sardines. If I had any Portuguese friends, I am sure an intervention will be put in place, in order to show me the right way in life.
But in this story the Portuguese sardines are not at fault. I just don’t like fish all together and I also can’t eat see food. I know, I should be kicked out of Portugal!
My favorite Portuguese dish so far is Bacalhau à Bras. But about this, in another article.